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Classic Match-3 gameplay to add some casual fun.Branching narrative, choices, and decisions (because sex is always exciting in many ways).Hand-animated sex scenes that will leave you wanting more.

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If you like our games, support us on Patreon! There you can find the latest materials of new games and influence their development.Video game characters do not have great sex lives. The sex in Cyberpunk 2077, one of the biggest releases of the decade, was lambasted by PC Gamer as “horrifying” and “truly awful” for its weak writing and general clunkiness character models designed to run and shoot just look strange when made to contort in moments of intimacy.

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But while Cyberpunk was criticized for its bad sex-and for flubbing LGBTQ+ representation-the erotic indie title Hardcoded was gathering praise for its explicit, queer-friendly sexuality set against a dystopian cyberpunk backdrop.

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